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Parent-Child Interaction Therapy (PCIT)

A Solution for Young Children with Disruptive Behaviors

What is PCIT?

Parent-Child Interaction Therapy. Parents who enroll in PCIT get their own personal trainer: a therapist who guides the parent-child interaction through a wireless earpiece. In a typical session, the therapist stays behind a one-way mirror and instructs parents through the earpiece as they play with and learn to discipline their child in an adjacent playroom. The live coaching catches ineffective parenting habits and helps parents practice “superparenting” skills, which combine frequent praise and attention for good behavior with a clear system of ignoring, warnings, and timeouts for bad.

What does PCIT do?

PCIT is used to treat disruptive behavior in children ages 2-7 years old. Disruptive behavior includes, but is not limited to the following: inattention, hyperactivity, tantrums, anger outbursts, lying, poor communication, aggression, defiance, oppositional attitude, poor social skills, and disobedience. PCIT can be used to target one or all of these negative behaviors simultaneously.

Does PCIT work?

PCIT is highly effective. Following graduation from the PCIT program, children fall within the normal range of child behavior and no longer meet criteria for a diagnosis of disruptive behavior. According to numerous clinical studies, families who complete PCIT see lasting improvements in child behavior: significantly less-frequent and less-intense tantrums, decreased aggression, less crying and whining, and less hyperactivity and inattention. Parents had less stress and enjoyed parenting more, and typically developed a closer relationship with their children.

How long does it take?

On average, successful completion of PCIT takes 3-6 months. However, it is not time-limited, meaning it could be longer or shorter depending on the parent and child’s progress.

How can I get started?

Contact the only certified PCIT therapists in the Upstate at 864-383-0384 or feel free to email us at to get started!

Does Therapy Really Work?

Each visit, caregivers rate their child's behavior using the ECBI. The ECBI score is then put on a graph to track progress and ensure therapeutic interventions are making a measurable, positive impact. Below are a few example graphs of recent PCIT graduates. Disruptive behavior scores typically start out very high (around 200) and gradually decrease throughout the course of therapy, eventually ending up in the average range (below 114/the bold line).

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